About the TRCC
Users have access to quality traffic records data when, where, and in the form needed.
Maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of traffic records data resources, collection, analysis, and reporting.
Using data to support roadway safety decisions places the emphasis of safety programs on saving lives and preventing injuries. That is why Florida’s Traffic Records Coordinating Committee (TRCC) provides a statewide forum to facilitate the planning, coordination, and implementation of projects to improve the State’s traffic records system. The TRCC also:
- Represents the interests of the agencies and organizations within the traffic records system to outside organizations.
- Reviews and evaluates new technologies to keep the highway safety data and traffic records systems up-to-date.
- Approves Florida’s annual application to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for funding under Section 405c and the expenditure of those funds.
- Reviews and approves the State’s 2022-2026 Traffic Safety Information System Strategic Plan, which provides a five-year vision and mission for improving traffic records. The plan, which is updated each fiscal year (FY) identifies high-level goals, objectives, and strategies, and establishes benchmarks and quantifiable performance measures to assess progress. Within this plan an updated traffic records Action Plan for the current FY notes the status of current traffic records objectives. From this action plan Quantitative Progress Reports are generated to demonstrate qualification for Section 405c funding.
Strategic Plan Goals
Data Quality
The strategic plan and work of the TRCC is based on a traffic records assessment of Florida’s traffic records system conducted by NHTSA in 2020 that included over 92 recommendations for improving data in Florida. A condensed version of the recommendations and actions taken can be found here. A similar Crash Data Improvement Program Assessment was also conducted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). To continue receiving Section 405c grant funding from NHTSA, Florida’s TRCC must demonstrate measurable progress in one of the following performance areas in a core database:
- Timeliness;
- Accuracy;
- Completeness;
- Uniformity;
- Integration; or
- Accessibility.
The Committee is governed by an Executive Board with representatives from transportation, law enforcement, criminal justice, and health professions. A Technical Committee meets on a quarterly basis to handle the day-to-day issues related to Florida's Traffic Records System. Additional information is available in the Charter & Bylaws; and the TRCC Membership List. Click here to view minutes of previous meetings and planned future meetings. Direct links to TRCC member agencies follow: